
Thank These Chicago Legislators

From Rev. George:

Many of us took the time to contact legislators for their vote in favor of HB 213. We especially targeted 3 legislators. I really urge everyone to WRITE or FAX those same 3 legislators ( contact all of them plus the sponsor Art Turner but especially these three). I think phone calls may not be appreciated and tie up their lines and take office time. They took the time so maybe so can we. These three ALL demonstrated GREAT courage.

Following the information on the three, I will explain the powerful experience and significance of each. They are:

Rep. Richard Bradley
3520 North Pulaski, Chicago, IL 60641
FAX: 773--794-9450

Rep. Eileen Lyons
1030 S. LaGrange Rd., LaGrange, IL 60525
FAX 708--352-7702

Rep. Mary Kay O'Brien
760 E. Division, Coal City, IL 60416
FAX 815-634-3137

1) BRADLEY: We were never sure how he was going to vote and he was vague just before testimony began. He was called and explained his vote prior to his vote. His brother was killed by a hit and run driver. Before his brother died in the hospital, a friend from his brother's past suddenly showed up. The family was deeply touched. Bradley explained the pain and anger he had--and still has--against the driver. He feels he can't forgive. Because of that experience, he can identify with murder victims and understands their desire for revenge. At his point the tears were coming down Bradleys cheeks. Bradly then explained that the family ( his mother) felt the old friend was "an angel". This was a strong spiritual experience for him, as he explained. Bradly then said something like " since my brother had an angel while he was dying and our family had an angel, then I have to be that angel and vote YES on HB 213.

2)LYONS-- a Catholic Republican. Some of us had REALLY pressured Eileen. She agonized about it. She is pro-life. She beleives in the Catholic "consistent ethic of life" but she maintains her consistuency, even though pro-life, is pro-death penalty, as is her Illinois Republican party. Eileens husband is PRO death penalty. As the hearing proceeded, Eileen was somber, maybe sad.
In explaining her vote she simply said " I am Catholic and beleive in the Catholic pro-life position and believe life is precious from conception to natural death. Therefore, I vote in favor of HB 213".. the tears came. I think she has tears coming down her face for at least 10 minutes. She was the ONLY Republican to vote for HB 213. A very courageous vote.

3)O'Brien: the chair of the committee, a Democrat but for awhile had indicated a reluctance to vote for HB 213. Her district is in favor of the DP. As chairperson, her vote was important. As the FIRST to vote, her YES vote set a tone. She also derserves ALOT of thanks.

So, please take time to thank at least these three, especially those who had contacted them for their vote. please forward this request to those you requested to contact for votes.
Thanks and Peace,
George W.

Rev.Mr.George W. Brooks, Director of Advocacy
Kolbe House
2434 So. California
Chicago, Il. 60608

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