
Declaring Early

Getting in the Game today writes a long and thoughtful post on why he has decided Gary Hart is his "candidate." Here's a portion:
So today I declare that I support Gary Hart as candidate for President of the United States. I will in a series of four similar articles explain the path and cycles on the four areas that Senator Hart has spoken on, and why he has developed policy that can both regenerate the Democratic Party and is realistic enough to accomplish. Before those, I will post my analysis of the current field of candidates including George W. Bush tomorrow afternoon. In that I will explain why this strategy I have outlined and Gary Hart puts forth, is not only the right thing, but a winning strategy for the party not only in 2004 but the years beyond.
Ken G., one of our frequent commenters, writes in (see the comments section here for his remarks in full):
Personally, I am re-energized politically at the thought of the amazing guerilla campaign that can be run for a progressive with great name recognition that doesn't owe anyone a thing. Although I am a fan of many of the current Dems in the race, none of them have the ability to ignite the idealistic beliefs that got me involved in his earlier campaigns.
Keep in mind Hart has not said he will be a candidate. He is still considering whether to run. We hope he does make the decision to run, and if you want to express your support for him directly, you can do so at his website Gary Hart News.Com

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