
Bratton Institutes New Police Disciplinary Policy

Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton has initiated a new disciplinary policy for the city's police force. It has the approval of the Police Commission, the Mayor, city residents and the cops on the force. Bratton said it boils down to this:
"If you are right, we will back you up. If you make a mistake, we will retrain you. If you are corrupt, we will jail you."
Under the new policy, station captains, rather than the Internal Affairs Bureau, will handle "procedural errors or other nondisciplinary complaints." A fact-finding system will be implemented to resolve minor complaints between residents and officers. There will be "alternative conflict resolution groups in which non- and minor-discipline cases can be resolved in sessions with the officer and the complainer, Bratton said."

The cops quoted in the article are clearly relieved. We're glad to see city residents, top brass and street cops LA warming to Bratton and trusting him. We've always said, if anyone could turn that corrupt and demoralized police department around, it would be Bill Bratton. Too bad they can't clone him to do the same for San Francisco.

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