
Congressional Vote On Abortion

Update: The bill to ban partial birth abortions passed. Daily Kos has the numbers and analysis.

Lisa English of RuminateThis brings us up to date on the vote in Congress today on abortion:
The fundamentalist legislators of America - nearly all of them men - will decide today on whether this nation's women will be allowed to end pregnancies, that if carried to term poses a "grievous threat" to the health and life of the mother. The men, all bought and paid for by religious extremism, believe that a woman's life is not nearly as worthy as that of a fetus. We're not talking about the wholesale slaughter of near-term babies. We're talking about a rare situation...where two doctors, unrelated to abortion, come together and agree that the pregnancy should end for medical reason. The extremists, who have no problem executing children and men on death row, have problems terminating pregnancies where the mother's health is in trouble. It's murder, they say. God told them so.
Lisa's right, we are headed down a dangerous path here....go read her whole post.

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