
Gary Hart Embraced by Boulder

Gary Hart spoke at the University of Colorado in Boulder Thursday night and received a very warm reception. The crowd "...filled the aisles and spilled out all four exits of a mid-sized lecture room in the University of Colorado's physics hall," and chanted "Run, Gary, Run."

Hart refused to say whether he would run for President. He spoke on the topics of national security and "the folly" of war with Iraq.
"We will be attacked again," he said. "I'm here to tell you that if — not if, when — when we attack Iraq the threat to this country will skyrocket." He slammed the Bush administration for overlooking plausible alternatives to war and for failing to answer questions about the cost of war — in terms of both dollars and lives."
Hart also spoke on the economy, the environment and health care. Here's what one attendee had to say about Hart and the irrelevancy of the 1987 morality issue. We couldn't agree more.
"What's more immoral — fooling around with a woman or killing thousands of innocent people?" she said. "I think if it's a moral issue, this is pretty low on the list."
How would we describe Hart now? Refreshing, articulate, experienced, knowledgeable, open, smart and filled with leadership potential.

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