
Colorado Democrats Have a Big Night

It was a good night for Colorado Democrats as well. 800 turned out for the Colorado Democrats' Jefferson/Jackson Day Dinner, held at the downtown Marriot. Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) was the keynote speaker and delivered a memorable speech. Gary Hart also spoke and gave a great "critique" of the President's Iraq plans. Gov. Howard Dean was there as well.

Bump and Update: Here's the Denver Post report on the dinner and speeches.
Dean didn't have a monopoly on the anti-war message. Hart also spoke, and, as he has done for months, left open the question of whether he will again seek his party's nomination....

Hart...warned that the cost of a war would not only be in dollars. "If our soldiers have to fight Saddam's Republican Guard in the streets of Baghdad, thousands of American soldiers could be killed," Hart said. "And the president has a constitutional responsibility to tell the American people that."

As he has in the past, Hart described going to war as "kicking a hornet's nest" and said the U.S. is ill-prepared to guard against the terrorism a war might spawn.

Although Hart's anti-war stance could steal some limelight from Dean if he were to enter the race, the two men were exceedingly friendly Saturday night. But Hart made it clear that Dean should not count on an easy time in Denver.

"Before you start lining up delegates and slates (for the Democratic National Convention), you may want to wait a few weeks or months to see what happens."

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