
Bush Refuses to Stop Gulf Vet's Execution

President Bush declined late Monday to stop the execution of a decorated Gulf War veteran who claims severe brain damage from his exposure to Iraqi nerve gas led him to kill.
Without presidential clemency, it was virtually assured Louis Jones Jr. will be executed by injection Tuesday morning at the U.S. Penitentiary near Terre Haute, Ind.

As the execution neared, Jones met Monday with his 22-year-old daughter, his attorney and two spiritual advisers. Attorney Timothy Floyd said his client had been hopeful as he awaited word on whether Bush would consider his request to commute his death sentence to life in prison.

"He was really remarkably strong and I think at peace with whatever happens. I attribute that to his deep faith -- I think that's sustained him through this," Floyd said.

For his last meal Monday, Jones selected whole fruit: nectarines, peaches and plums.

If the execution proceeds, Jones would be the third person -- after Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh and drug kingpin Juan Garza -- put to death by the federal government since 1963.

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