
War Aside, Watch Your Civil Liberties

Agree or disagree about whether we should go to war Glenn Reynolds makes a good point on his MSNBC blog:
It's pretty obvious that, barring a miracle of some sort, we'll be at war shortly. And my next advice is equally applicable to war supporters and opponents: Keep your eye on the civil-liberties ball, and don't be distracted.
I predicted on September 11 itself (and in this column just a couple of days afterward) that bureaucrats would take advantage of 9/11 to slip through items that had been on their wishlists for years, and they did. There's now a "Patriot II" bill floating around in draft form. I wouldn't be surprised to see someone try to slip it through Congress while everyone's attention is on the war. Most members of Congress who voted on the original "Patriot Act" hadn't even read the bill (which makes them unpatriotic in my estimation -- what about that oath they take?)

Let's not let it happen again. Keep your eyes open.
That was our exact sentiment last month, as we posted here. Watch out, because once surrendered, rights are very difficult to get back.

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