
Blogging Around

Mother Jones has a good article today called Roundups and Rights --we're quoted on the roundup of Iraqis.

Law Tech columnist Robert Ambroggi does a wrap-up of legal blogs today in Blawgs: More Than Just Fluff. We're pleased to be included --and described as "An unabashedly left-leaning look at the law and politics of crime." Robert has a blog himself, Lawsites, which tracks new legal resources available on the web. Robert calls Howard Bashman's "How Appealing" "one of the best resources on the Web for tracking appellate litigation throughout the United States. " He's right, we read Howard at least once a day.

We need to start making our way back to snowed-in Denver today so this is it for us for now. Please give the blogs and news sources listed on the right a read and leave some comments if you feel like it.

Tonight is Texas' 300th Execution. We can't allow ourselves to become desensitized to it because of the war. Our friend Reverand George of Kolbe House in Chicago tells us, regarding the Emery University study on the death penalty (finding that the death penalty deters murders)
Again an article cites the deeply flawed Emory University study, which does not support the conclusion below and it is based on several erroneous assuptions, like prospective murders are aware of crime/punishment data and twice when they applied their "formula", they excluded a calcualtion because it was ZERO and if they had multiplied their data, ZERO time ZERO is ZERO.I believe I may be the only person who has read and studied the entire report--the authors did NOT. [ed. note: edited to reflect Rev. Georges comment was about the Emory University Study, not the California prosecutor's study as we orignally wrote]
One last note for now: We are not criticizing the anti-war movement as some have written us in response to our post last night. We support the anti-war movement. We consider ourselves a vocal part of it. But we and the anti-war movement didn't prevent the war, which was our principal goal. We believe we--TalkLeft--can be the most effective right now covering the legal and political and civil liberties aspects of the war. We recognize here (which we are sorry we neglected to do last night) that the anti-war movement has far-ranging, important goals that reach past the prevention of war. So, rest assured, we'll continue to link to protest sites and report favorably on their news and views.

Peace soon.

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