
Gary Hart's Statement on the War

Gary Hart's Statement on the War
History alone must be the judge of the justice and necessity of our current war.

I have argued, unsuccessfully, for permanent, international, coercive inspections and disarmament of Iraq but President Bush has chosen unilateral war. The die is cast.

President Bush has now taken our nation on a new, uncharted, and potentially dangerous course. We must not only question that course, but also offer a better, more constructive alternative.

In 2004, the American people will render their verdict on this war and its adverse impact on American lives, American economic well-being and on the elevated risk of terrorist attack.

In the meantime, we must all support and pray for the security and quick success of America's armed forces and the safety of innocent civilians.

God bless our troops and God bless America.

Gary Hart
Kittredge, CO

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