
Camp Pennsylvania Attack

An American G.I. has been arrested in connection with the grenade attack inside a tent at Camp Pennsylvania, where the 101st Airborne is presently headquartered, in Northern Kuwait. 13 soldiers were injured, some seriously enough to require airlifting out by helicopters.

The soldier has not been identified because he was also injured in the attack and rules provide that family of injured soldiers must be notified first. CBS, Fox and SkyNews reported the soldier is an African American Muslim.

NBC had a reporter on who said the soldier had been acting strange the past few days and he was being watched. A decision had been made to leave him behind. CNN said the attack was directed at the tent commander.

The embedded reporters saw and know a lot more but are being prohibited from talking about it freely. Jamie McIntyre at the Pentagon on CNN said there's a name for this, "fragging." It's a well-know technique but one that hasn't been used much with a volunteer military.

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