
Worldwide War Protests Update

Here's an update on today's worldwide anti-war protests. Here's more.

New York: More than 100,000 anti-war demonstrators marched down Broadway this afternoon in what is estimated to be the largest anti-war rally the city has seen since the situation with Iraq first escalated. Live video is here. More coverage here .

If you have DirectTV satilite you can find some un-censored US news on channel 375. If you know someone who's been arrested, here is the NY Civil Liberties Union's summary of New York protester rights.

London: The march through the capital, culminating in an afternoon of speeches in Hyde Park, attracted a crowd of about 200,000 people, according to a police estimate.

Los Angeles: Skippy is on it, he's there right now, check his site frequently for updates. Hard news here.

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