
FBI Says Wanted Saudi Has Ties to Padilla

Saudi-born Adnan G. El Shukrijumah, 27, is the newest target of the FBI. They are searching all over for him. He is wanted on an immigration violation, but the FBI believes he has ties to Al Qaeda and is linked to "dirty bomb" suspect Jose Padilla.

The information about El Shukrijumah does not come from Padilla, who still is neither talking nor cooperating.

Update: El Shukrijumah's family defends him, saying the FBI is looking for the wrong guy.

The Chicago Tribune says the FBI believes El Shukrijumah and Jose Padilla were partners.

The Miami Herald says Khalid Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks who was captured in Pakistan March 1 and taken to Bakram Air Base for interrogation, provided the information about El Shukrijumah that led to the world wide alert for him. Mohammed picked El Shukrijumah out of a photo lineup.

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