
Reader Comments on Bush and Iraq War

Here are some reader e-mail letters we've received on Bush and the War in Iraq:

Two thoughts:
1. - -When the press did not speak out or ask questions we and many pundits felt it was because they feared losing access to the white house. We now know it was because they did not want to lose access to the war.

I watched one reporter on last night who grinning was reporting, (with tanks
rolling behind him) that no journalist had gotten to do this before and it was really exciting.

Another report I read about was a news propagandist who was reporting in
full gear, gas mask in place, but they forgot to cut the feed when he was
done and you saw him pull off his gas mask and joke around. . .
War Against America As Well
A point that was raised last night at the rally I attended was that this war is an attack on America as well as Iraq.

Every bomb that is dropped is dropped on America, because ultimately, the money spent is being taken away from services. Each bomb dropped destroys
a daycare center or nursing home facility here in this country, because the funds are stolen from the public coffers to finance the war machine. "

This may be a deliberate policy. Dubya has already opened 300 billion dollar deficits. Meanwhile, this war is "off budget". We could be looking at 500 billion dollars deficits before its all over. Its an extension of the IMF's debt and "austerity" plan to impoverish the country. (David Stockton admitted that Reagan's plan was to bankrupt the government so all of those socialist programs could be stopped - maybe King George is just carrying on with that plan?)
From Charles Boremann, A War for the Soul of the Nation:
Today liberal and progressive voices within the Democratic Party are in full retreat much like the British at Dunkirk. Beaten badly but not defeated as even the British came back from horrible defeat, survived a long bombing campaign, re-organized and claimed victory. Herein we see the great lesson of history in that the moral will of the people always prevails.

Perhaps we need to peacefully and within the constraints of our laws strike at the heart of an impressive Republican war machine.

We could come together to take away the rights of corporations to influence politics removing at once their ability to contribute to campaigns and influence policy. We could continue in removing the vestiges of legalized bribery from our leaders by forcing change that removed special interests from politics. We could fight to make it illegal for any member of government to profit from military or human concerns.

We could fight to enact change that brings fairness and responsibility to the media. We could continue the fight to ensure free trade meant protecting American workers first and force corporations that do business in America to pay taxes in America.

We could do so much to ensure our basic liberties are protected and our children have a better America to call home. But it is our choice to make.

It is now time to coalesce as a movement into a broader movement not only for peace, but also for social justice and the ideals of fairness. If we do not, if we fail, if we surrender the fight, we will have deserved a future that I care not look into.
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