
POW Photos

Sean Paul at the The Agonist has put up the link to the still pictures of the five captured Amercian soldiers shown on Al Jazeera television. Viewers beware, we looked and we are somewhat sorry we did.

We're just appalled that we put our youth in such harm's way. But, we're mentioning it because after viewing the photos, our resolve to protest this unjustified, preemptive war was strengthened --as was our desire to oust the Bush/Rumsfeld/Ashcroft regime in 2004. We hope viewing them will do the same for others with anti-war leanings, and even convert a few who don't. We're not reposting the link to the photos themselves, just the link to Sean Paul and Hesiod at Counterspin who also has it up. Oliver Willis has exceptionally clear photos up. Again, viewers beware.

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