
Overseas War News

We're going to use this space to post some of the overseas war news we read for a day or so. We want to see if it's the same or different than the reporting we're getting from the embedded journalists. All descriptions are direct quotes from the articles. This is an experiment--we really don't know the outcome, and if we're wrong, we'll say so.

Marines in Firefight: US Marines and Iraqi soldiers have been involved in a fierce firefight in Umm Qasr - a day after the Allies claimed the town had been taken. The Marines were ambushed at a temporary camp set up in the strategically important port town in southern Iraq.

British TV Crew Missing: Missing British TV reporter Terry Lloyd and two of his news crew may have been hit in crossfire from coalition forces in Iraq, it has been reported. More here.

Exodus in Northern Iraq:Up to 500,000 people in northern Iraq have fled their homes ahead of the US-led invasion - and the movement is continuing, a UN aid agency has said.

Seven Die in MidAir Collision: Seven military personnel have died in a midair helicopter collision over water in the northern Gulf region. (Six Britons, One American)

Desert Rats in Fierce Fighting: Coalition forces faced fiercer opposition than expected throughout southern Iraq and their commander, the American general Tommy Franks, warned: “There may well be tough days ahead.”

You are welcome to use the comments to add more articles, but please, don't just post the urls, use the html format--otherwise the whole site gets skewed. Instructions are in the comment box.

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