
Blogging Around

TalkLeft had its best day every yesterday, 9,760 visitors and 16,500 page views. Lots of folks are coming over from warblogs.cc, and we welcome them. It's very gratifying to be so widely read. We're also dreading the bill for the increased bandwidth, so if you can help us out with a few bucks, please click on one of the donation links on the left.

There's lots of news today on Monday's Supreme Court arguments in the Texas Sodomy law case, Lawrence v. Texas. Dahlia Lithwick has great details of the exchanges between the Justices and the lawyers here. The New York Timess' Linda Greenhouse says it looks like the Justices will overturn the law. You can read excerpts of the legal arguments here. Tom at SCOTUSblog says the prosecutor gave the worst oral argument he's ever heard.

If you are into legal news headlines-- we certainly are-- check out The Daily Whirl, a news aggregator with fast loading headlines from legal news and information sites. You can hand-pick the sources you want to include--TalkLeft is one of the choices.

The Guardian has a good analysis of all the disputed claims to date made by the U.S. military and various media outlets. (Thanks to Untelevised for the link)

We wanted to write World-War-III to tell them we really like their warblog, but it seems to be not only anonymous, we couldn't find an email address.

Mac Diva, a frequent and articulate commenter on many blogs, has finally gotten her own. Silver Rights will concentrate on civil rights issues.

Lisa English of Ruminate This congratulates the new links at Altercation, which, yes, we compiled for Eric. The new additions are CalPundit, Digby, Junius, Orcinus, Pandagon, Road to Surfdom, Seeing the Forest and The Agonist.

We just finished reading Jeanne D'Arc at Body and Soul, and all we can say is she's done it again. Don't miss this one.

Update: The Philadelphia Inquirer has an article about Salem Pax (Where-Is-Raed) today.

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