Al Jazeera Defends Its War Coverage
Al Jazeera, the Arab television network, is defending their coverage of the war, including showing "images of bombed Baghdad buildings, bloodied and screaming Iraqi children and slain or captured U.S. and British troops."
While U.S. and Britain want the war portrayed as one to liberate Iraqis, Al Jazeera insists that its coverage, intended to "show the war in all its horrors," is not ideologically based but fact based.
Al Jazeera also complains that the U.S. and Britain are not allowing their journalists enough access. Only one of its reporters is "embedded."
Al Jazeera's English website is here, but AOL seems to be blocking our access to it. We get an error message saying we are not authorized to view the site, followed by "HTTP 401.3 - Access denied by ACL on resource Internet Information Services." Is anyone else getting through?
Update: Thanks to a commenter, we learn that Al Jazeera in English is now available here. It works for us as of now.
Correction: The aljazeerah info site is not related to Al Jazeera tv. The website itself states, "This website ( is not related by any means to the Arabic TV network, "Aljazeera."
The site's being hacked is old news, but from emails we received, we thought it was back up. Guess not.
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