
Legal Prohibitions Against Torture

Human Rights Watch has an excellent informational page on the international laws pertaining to torture, providing answers to these questions, and more:
  • What is torture?
  • What laws prohibit torture?
  • Do non-citizens in the U.S. have the same right not to be tortured as U.S. citizens?
  • Can a person be compelled to provide evidence?
  • Can limited physical force be used during interrogations?
  • Is the use of "truth serums" permitted?
  • Are there any situations in which torture is permitted?
  • Shouldn't torture be permitted if its use will save lives?
  • Does the U.S. lose valuable information if torture is prohibited?
  • May the U.S. send detainees to other countries to be questioned?
  • What are the remedies against torture?
  • You can read the full text of the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War here.

    Are there extra or different protections for women? Law Professor and Findlaw Columnist Anita Ramasastry addresses this timely topic in What Happens When GI Jane is Captured?

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