
Blogging Around

Media Horse is back from vacation.

David Neiwert at Orcinus covers increasing threats to anti-war protesters.

Dr. Helen Smith's documentary, Sixes, 6ixes, sixes , on a famous Tennessee case involving juvenile murderers is out with a good review. Dr. Smith is married to Instapundit. At least someone is looking at why these crimes occur instead of just calling for more punishment.

Alternet has an article about Justice in Tulia. [link via Cursor]

Eric Alterman has a new Nation column on Jews and dual-loyalties.

Arthur at Light of Reason on the increased lifting of restrictions on police surveillance.

Atrios is incensed by the news that an Army Chaplain is offering baths to soldiers if they will agree to be baptised. Calpundit is mad about it too, as is Matt Yglesias. Add us to the list.

Sean-Paul Kelley of The Agonist isn't blogging today because...he's getting married. But he promises to be back with his minute by minute war news tomorrow. Jay is filling in for him today. Talk about blogger dedication!

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