
Sniper Suspect May Have Been Exposed to Nerve Gas

John Muhammed, the elder suspect in the D.C. sniper attacks, served in the first Gulf War. His lawyer told the Judge Friday he may have been the victim of a nerve gas or chemical attack.
In Muhammad's case, attorney Jonathan Shapiro said after a court hearing Friday that the defense has specific information that indicates possible exposure to chemical or nerve agents, but he declined to elaborate. "It's not wild conjecture," Shapiro said.

Shapiro mentioned the chemical exposure during the half-hour hearing in which he successfully argued for the appointment of a mitigation expert, who will look for evidence that might aid Muhammad if he is convicted.

Shapiro mentioned Muhammad's service as a Gulf War veteran and "possible exposure to nerve agents and chemical weapons while he was there. There's a whole lot about this man we need to investigate thoroughly."

Shapiro said after the hearing that Muhammad served as an Army engineer during the 1991 war. "

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