
Moussaoui Wants Ashcroft to Take a Quiz

Zacarias Moussaoui wants John Ashcroft to take a quiz:
Zacarias Moussaoui wants Attorney General John Ashcroft to answer a multiple choice quiz about the government's theory of his role as a terrorist conspirator. Several of 17 handwritten pleadings released Thursday by U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema have a version of the quiz, which asks Ashcroft to check one of four boxes.

The choices are:

20th hijacker.
5th plane pilot missing in action.
I, Ashcroft don't know.
Let's kill him anyway.
Other handwritten pleadings of Moussaoui have him predicting he will win the case and be able to leave the U.S.-
Referring to defense lawyer Frank Dunham, Moussaoui said, "No doubt that Dunham will go crazy when I, Zacarias Moussaoui, will leave the United Satan on a 747-400 1st class. Non-smoking. No drink. No women."

In another motion, he challenged President Bush to "stop playing chicken and ... come out and fight hand-to-hand combat with knife if he want to kill me."

Moussaoui said he would call experts during the penalty phase of his case to show the United States has a history of "dirty foreign policy."

But Moussaoui said he has tried without success to obtain tapes from the History Channel "to deepen my understanding on the average American mind (if they have any)."
If Moussaoui is correct and walks after being tried in federal court, we think he ought to have his own cable show, broadcast from Europe, with Comical Ali as his "Ed McMahon" sidekick. Between the two of them.....

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