
Blogging Disruption Hopefully Over

Many of you may have noticed we have not posted since Monday. That's because our server has been having problems with one of its hosted sites which gobbled up all its bandwidth, making other hosted sites load incredibly slowly. TalkLeft has been running so slowly since Monday night that it's been inaccessible to us -- it times out before we can save and publish a post. It took us almost an hour last night to get the newsfeed up.

The hosting company is working on it now, and if you are reading this, it means the problem is hopefully fixed. If any of you still are experiencing delays accessing TalkLeft, please let us know, either by email to talkleft@aol.com, or by posting in the comments section here.

Thanks for your patience, and we'll be back with some substantive posts tonight.

Update: We're told it's all fixed. The hosting company has been very responsive -- they called us three times today on the phone to discuss the issue with us, the last call being to let us know all is well again.

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