
Ohio Trucker Nabbed in Al Qaeda Plot

The New York Post reports that an Ohio truckdriver has been arrested as an Al Qaeda operative planning an attack in the U.S.

Federal agents have nabbed an Ohio truck driver after unmasking him as an al Qaeda operative in plots to collapse a suspension bridge and blow up an airliner in the United States, according to a new report.

The information reportedly was obtained from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who has been cooperating from his overseas detention facility for some time. Mohammed is allegedly Al Qaeda's former chief operations officer.

Newsweek is the source of the report on the Ohio trucker and other suspected planned al Qaeda attacks in the U.S. this summer. The Ohio trucker story does not sound like recent news, particularly since he also has been cooperating with authorities for some time.

Intelligence sources tell NEWSWEEK that during his interrogation, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed fingered an Ohio truckdriver. In a major breakthrough, the Feds picked up the truckdriver, who began to cooperate. According to law-enforcement sources, the truck- driver was involved in plots to bring down a bridge and blow up an airliner. The truckdriver was asked by his Qaeda masters to obtain the proper tools for loosening the bolts on a suspension bridge. As for the airliner, the truckdriver said that cargo trucks could easily drive underneath passenger jets without arousing suspicion.

Also, keep in mind that interrogations of suspected al Qaeda members are likely to result in deliberate misinformation as well as credible information.

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