
Is Iran Our Next Target?

From the Institute for Public Accuracy:

Three experts come awfully close to suggesting that Iran may be a new target for the U.S.:

The White House is portraying Iran as having hostile intentions towards the United States. They said the same thing about Iraq, and there's been no evidence of that in either case. Iran has regional interests, but it's never been in an attack mode against the United States. It's actually in a defensive posture against intensifying U.S. and Israeli manipulation of monarchist Iranian opposition in exile. Allegations that Iran is exporting Shi'ite zealotry to Iraq have been contradicted by the top British commander there.

...The U.S. Congress is moving to fund exiles, and operations have reportedly been staged in Iran. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) and Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) announced on May 19 that they are introducing a bill in Congress to fund Iranian exile groups. The administration might be moving toward destabilizing the regime in Iran for the third anniversary of the Iranian student uprising on July 9."

.... Just as the U.S. invented the ties between Iraq and Al-Qaeda, it's doing the same now with Iran. The Iranians have a long history of opposing the Taliban and Al-Qaeda; there are strong political and religious differences between them. The U.S. helped build up Osama bin Ladin and the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan specifically as an opposite pole within the Muslim world to the Iranian revolution."

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