
Detroit Terror Case: Split Verdict

Congratulations to our friend and fellow NACDL member James Thomas on the acquittal of his client on the terrorism charge in the Detroit sleeper cell terror case. This is the first national terrorism case to make it to a jury.

Ahmed Hannan, 34, was acquitted of conspiracy to support terrorism, and was found guilty of the non-terror-related charge of conspiracy to engage in fraud and misuse of visas, permits and other documents. He was acquitted on two other fraud counts. Two of the other three defendants were convicted on the terrorism charge. A fourth defendant was acquitted entirely.

The Government alleged the four defendants were part of a sleeper cell, and had conspired to get weapons and fake identification for religious zealots and blow up U.S. targets. Defense lawyers argued the government had twisted innocent actions into something much more sinister. You can read a synopsis of the case here.

From the Washington Post, March 27 (available on lexis.com):

"These guys were of Arab descent, and they were immediately suspect," said James Thomas, Hannan's lawyer....The case has become nationally significant, because the Detroit suspects are the first to face terrorism-related charges before a jury.

Several other cases have ended in plea agreements, such as those of the Buffalo Six and James Ujaama.

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