
Saving Martha Stewart

If you're for Martha, and want to express yourself, here's how, according to this article from Reuters:

John Small, who founded the Save Martha Web site, wrote: "What Martha Stewart did is the corporate equivalent of jaywalking, but they are treating her like she's guilty of genocide!"

Love Martha? Think she's been mistreated? Head to www.savemartha.com to tell the Internet world. Want to spread the message further? Spend a few bucks on a "Save Martha" mug, T-shirt, apron or chef's hat.

Shareholders ...were asked to weigh in on Tuesday as they made their way to Martha Stewart Living's annual meeting in midtown Manhattan. Outside the building, dozens of photographers, reporters, producers and cameramen swarmed about, shouting questions or snapping pictures.

"Is Stewart guilty?" [a shareholder named] Sawka was asked by someone in a crowd of reporters. "I'm no Gypsy, but I still say 'Go Martha!"' responded Sawka, who had taken a bus from Connecticut to attend her first shareholder meeting.

Martha's lawyer, Robert Morvillo, says she will fight all the way and go to trial. We're glad to hear it. Fight, Martha, Fight. [that's what our tee-shirt would say.]

P.S. For a serious account of the Stewart news today, here is the morning AP story. We think the Government would be wise to forego the insider trading charge and limit the indictment to obstruction of justice. It's less technical and we think there will be less public resentment.

We're also troubled by the witness against her --her former stockbroker who is singing for his supper--you can't trust testimony when it's purchased with promises of freedom or leniency. We'll be looking to see who else, if anyone, provides evidence Martha sold the ImClone stock because she knew it was going to tank. Sam Waksal sure didn't.

< Attorney Client Privilege Extends to P.R. Firms | Martha Indicted on 9 Counts >
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