
Feds Got Bomb-Sniffing Dogs Who Couldn't Smell

Another reason to be skeptical of our government's ability to ferret out terrorists:

Feds: Bomb-Sniffing Dogs Didn’t

A L E X A N D R I A, Va., June 9 — A dog trainer is scheduled to go on trial today in Alexandria federal court, charged with providing the federal government with bomb-sniffing dogs that couldn't do their jobs.

Russell Ebersole, 43, who owns a kennel in Stephenson, is accused of defrauding the government of more than $700,000 and putting at risk the lives of thousands of federal workers whose workplaces his dogs guarded. Prosecutors claim that in the months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Ebersole provided federal agencies with bomb dogs that couldn't find bombs.

Shouldn't the feds have tested the dogs' abilities or required some kind of independent certification before putting them to work?

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