
Jeffords Gives the Speech We've Been Waiting to Hear From A Democrat

Sen. Jim Jeffords delivered this speech at the National Press Club on June 5, 2003 to commemorate the second anniversary of his decision to leave the Republican Party and become the Senate's only Independent. Check it out, it's a speech we've been waiting to hear a Democrat give, and we've seen almost no media coverage of it. Here are some quotes:

The promises of candidate Bush, who pledged to bring a new tone to Washington and packaged himself as a compassionate conservative, are unmet. On issue after issue the Bush administration is not what it claims to be. Since coming into office, the president has dragged the Republican Party into short-sighted positions that maximize short-term gain while neglecting the long-term needs of families and the nation.

President Bush hasn't just over-reached, he has set a new standard for extreme partisan politics that on many occasions has been supported by the Republican-controlled Congress.

In place of thoughtful policy we now have superficial and cynical sound-bites. Instead of confronting pressing national problems, our president lands airplanes while Rome burns.

While our troops search for WMD in Iraq, we have found our own WMD right here in Washington -- at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. They are President Bush's weapons of mass distortion, or better, distraction. The Bush administration says one thing and does another to take the focus off the present realities.

There's more, go read the whole thing. (By the way, does anyone have a shorthand version for "go read the whole thing" or a better anacronym than GRTHW?

[Thanks to reader Fast Talking Sue for the link]

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