
The Rave Act Being Used for Political Intimidation

Neal Pollack reports on the new Rave Act in The Right to Party.

Daniel Forbes writes in The Nation about how the Rave Act is being used to stifle political dissent.

NORML reports on how the DEA is using the Rave Act to trample the First Amendment.

A scheduled concert to raise funds for a local NORML/Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) affiliate was shut down last week after the venue's management was informed by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that they could potentially be fined $250,000 under provisions of the newly enacted "RAVE Act." The law, formally known as the Illicit Drug Anti-Proliferation Act of 2003, permits federal law enforcement to prosecute business owners and event organizers if they make their property available for "the purpose of manufacturing, distributing, or using any controlled substance." The incident is believed to be the first time the law has been used to prohibit a public event since it was enacted in April as an amendment to the Child Abduction Prevention Act, also known as the "Amber Alert" bill.

Don't forget who we have thank for this unnecessary, oppressive piece of legislation, sneakily tacked onto the Amber Alert bill at the last minute: It's Senator Joe Biden (D-DE). Just in case he decides to throw his hat in the ring for President, we want everyone to know.

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