
Can Court's Sodomy Ruling Be Extended to Marijuana Laws?

From Phoenix criminal defense attorney Nicholas Hentoff:

The Lawrence v. Texas decision on gay sex has important implications for Federal privacy challenges to enforcement of Federal laws to prosecute medical marijuana users.

bq. The majority in Lawrence cited the "emerging awareness that liberty gives substantial protection to adult persons in deciding how to conduct their private lives in matters pertaining to sex."

bq. The same rationale can be applied to medical mariuana and makes the state by state fight to pass medical marijuana laws all the more important in blocking Ashcroft from subverting the State's rights to regulate medical marijuana use by their citizens. [ reprinted with permission.]

Hmmm.....the possibilities seem endless. Prostitution in the privacy of one's hotel room?

Update: A commenter just pointed out the court stressed the decision was applicable to non-commercial sex. Ok, that's today. But we can still see the rationale being applied to prostitution in the future. If the sex act occurs in the privacy of one's rented quarters, whose business is it if a gold bracelet or currency is the quid pro quo?

Update: The link to Mr. Hentoff's website now works. Our error, sorry.

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