
New Poll: 40% Believe Bush Misled Us

A CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll conducted over the weekend shows that people are beginning to realize that Bush lied--and it matters to them.

The number that expects the United States to find weapons of mass destruction... has dropped from 84 percent in late March to 53 percent now.

Almost four in 10 say they believe the Bush administration deliberately misled the public about whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, while six in 10 say they do not believe that.

More than half, 53 percent, say it would matter a great deal to them if they became convinced the Bush administration deliberately misled the public on that subject.

The poll of 1,003 adults was taken Friday through Sunday and has an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points, larger for subgroups.

On a related topic, a new Amnesty International Report blasts the US for its mistreatment of Iraqi detainees. The human rights organization is demanding that the U.S. provide the detainees with the right to meet with their families and lawyers and to have a judicial review of their detention.

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