
Select Your Candidate Quiz

Via Kevin Drum of Calpundit, we came across the Select Your Candidate Quiz. It asks your position on a bunch of issues, then tells you which presidential candidate most matches them. We chose to have it consider only those who have declared themselves candidates and are still in the race.

Here were our top results:

1. Kucinich, Cong. Dennis, OH - Democrat (91%)
2. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (79%)
3. Gephardt, Cong. Dick, MO - Democrat (75%)
4. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT - Democrat (74%)

Gephardt surprised us, as we have had nothing good to say about him. Edwards was number 6 on the list, also surprising, since we assumed we had more in common with him. The bottom Democrat on our list was Bob Graham. After Graham, came Bush and Lyndon LaRouche.

For each possible candidate, the site presents his or her views on a variety of issues. We were impressed with the positions of Wesley Clark, and we hope that he enters the race:

"One of the things about the war on terror that I am disturbed about is that we've essentially suspended habeas corpus, which is something that's only been done once in American history and then only for a very brief period. When I go back and think about the atmosphere in which the PATRIOT Act was passed, it begs for a reconsideration and review. And it should be done.

Clark also favors abortion rights and affirmative action. He opposes the trade embargo with Cuba. On the war on terror and war in Iraq:

The Bush administration's mistake in Iraq, says Clark, is one of priorities. "They picked war over law. They picked a unilateralist approach over a multilateral approach. They picked conventional forces over special-operations forces. And they picked Saddam Hussein as a target over Osama bin Laden." Clark worries that the Iraq policy is fatally flawed because it's likely to create new recruits for America's main enemy -- the Islamic fundamentalists who destroyed the World Trade Center and attacked the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.

On the one hand, we say Draft Clark for 2004. On the other hand, like Kevin, we want a candidate who can win against Bush, and we are prepared to compromise, somewhat. If only we knew who that might be....

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