The Voting Machine Scandals
We've got to run out for a few hours--so here's some links (rather than our comments) on the Diebold voting machine scandal --
A reader emails us:
A New Zealand reporter has discovered that the Diebold "black box" voting machines being pushed in so many jurisdictions are easy to hack and change vote totals, and that this may explain to anomolies in our last election. If the reporter has the goods, this is potentially huge. Here's the earlier story from February
Bob Morris of Politics in the Zeros says,
Among their findings:
1) They could open the password file, copy an encrypted password elsewhere, then use that password to access data.
2) The machines keep three sets of books. Set 2 can be changed by anyone who knows how to use Microsoft Access. This will effect the vote totals.
As a programmer, I find it appalling that voting data is kept in Access, is
not encrypted, and the system is so badly designed that data can easily be changed.
Here's some background on Diebold Systems connections to the Republican Party.
Bev Harris is the author of the soon to be published book " Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering In The 21st Century "
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