
D.A. to Make Kobe Bryant Announcement Friday

We were just told that Mark Hurlburt, District Attorney for Eagle County, Colorado, will make an announcement on Kobe Bryant Friday, at 3pm.

Here are what we see as the possible outcomes he might announce: (in no particular order):

  • No Charges - He does not believe he can prove Kobe committed a crime beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • No Charges - Alleged victim has requested to withdraw her complaint. DA doesn't think he can prove a crime without her testimony.
  • No Charges - Investigation has revealed Kobe is innocent of any wrongdoing
  • No Charges - He is going to turn it over to a grand jury
  • Misdemeanor Offense: Unlawful Sexual Contact and/or or False Imprisonment
  • Felony Offense: Sexual Assault (could be coupled with False Imprisonment)

We've heard so many different stories by now, we hesitate to make a prediction. If we had to guess, we'd go with No charges--He does not believe he can prove Kobe committed a crime beyond a reasonable doubt.

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