
Latest Bush Poll Numbers

Zogby News reports on the increasing decline of Bush's approval rating:

Bush Job Performance Slips to 53% Positive, 46% Negative; More Voters (47%) Say It's Time for Someone New Than Say He Deserves Re-election

47% say its time for someone new. That's an increase from 38% a month ago. 42% now have an unfavorable opinion of Bush as a person. [thanks to Media Horse for the link]

We think this signals the Dems can win in 2004. But they need a left-of-center candidate, not a centrist, and they need a platform, not platitudes. Voters will need a clear choice, and that will only come from sharply delineated positions on issues. Iraq and security may be key, but they are not the only issues. As the economy and state budgets continue to crumble and the cutting of essential services begins to affect daily lives, we think more people will be eager for change. It's up to the Democrats to provide them with a clear alternative. We haven't seen one yet among the top contenders, but it's still early and we're still hoping one emerges.

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