
Bush Credibility Gap Grows

Calpundit also sends us to Josh Marshall who reports that the issue of the Bush administration's credibility is about to explode on two fronts:

First is the SOTU Address and the misrepresentation of the Iraq-uranium connection, to which you can now add inter-agency strife caused by Tenet playing the blame game:

Until or unless the President steps in to provide leadership, the long-awaited showdown between the "neoconservatives" and the "pragmatists" will soon reach crisis proportions…this, due to CIA director George Tenet's extraordinary decision to name the President's staffers responsible for misleading, or false, pre-Iraq war intel, Administration sources confirm today. [Source: Nelson Report, we don't have a link for it.]

But now there is another problem--

The UPI reports that the 9/11 report to be released tomorrow shows no evidence that Saddam was either involved in the 9/11 attacks or supported Al Qaeda.

"The report shows there is no link between Iraq and al-Qaida," said a government official who has seen the report.

Josh has much more on these issues, here and here.

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