
Diebold Election Machines A Voting Risk

In a study released today, computer-science researchers from Johns Hopkins University and Rice University are warning of security risks with the new electronic voting machines made by Diebold.

In a study released Friday, computer security experts warn that an electronic voting system used in some states, including Georgia, as an alternative to the troublesome punch-card ballots is highly vulnerable to fraud.

The study found "significant security flaws" with the system designed by Diebold Election Systems. The system was vulnerable to unscrupulous voters as well as "insiders such as poll workers, software developers and even janitors," who could cast multiple votes without a trace, according to the study.

The system allows ballots to be cast on a 15-inch touchscreen. The study was the first review of the software by independent researchers. Avi Rubin of Johns Hopkins University, a lead researcher on the study, said there is no quick fix for the software.

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