
Illinois: No More Doctors Present at Executions

A new state law in Illinois prevents doctors from being present at executions:

A measure signed into law by Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Thursday will take doctors out of the execution process in Illinois. The law currently requires that a physician be on hand to pronounce an inmate dead after the death penalty has been carried out.

The physicians felt this was a conflict of their Hippocratic Oath," said state Sen. John Cullerton (D-Chicago), the sponsor. "It was totally unnecessary to have a physician in that position. This says a coroner could easily determine the cause of death."

We understand from Rev. Mr. George Brooks, Director of Advocacy for Kolbe House in Chicago, that praise goes to the tenacious Dr. Ann Dunlap, who fought and lobbied for this legislation for over 10 years and got the Illinois Medical Association on board.

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