
Inquest Today in Possible Lynching Case

Bump and Update: The inquest was conducted today and the family now agrees the death was likely a suicide: Relatives recognized the bedsheet as one coming from inside Mr. Golden's house. A video showed Golden's hands were untied and hanging down his sides.

On May 28, 2003, Ray Golden, a 32 year old black man who was dating the daughter of a white policeman, was found hanging from a tree. Police initially ruled it a suicide. But the man's family and many in the small community of Belle Glade, Floriday say no way. They say Golden's hands were tied behind his back when he was found. The police say otherwise.

After much pressure from the NAACP, the state has agreed to hold an inquest today. However, the NAACP notes that it is not taking a position on the cause of death, only that it wants an investigation,

The case has drawn the attention of state and national NAACP officials, who will monitor the inquest. Immediately after the hearing, Circuit Judge Harold Cohen will rule whether it was a suicide or a suspicious death. He could direct a law enforcement agency to act on his findings.

There has been no documented lynching case in the U.S. for more than 20 years.

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