
Poindexter to Resign

We've been busy all day with the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers--the annual meeting is in Denver this year and it began last night. It's been fun, informative and hectic so far. We'll save our Kobe comments for tv tonight, but here's what else we've noticed going on:

John Poindexter is resigning from the Pentagon over the terrorism futures fiasco:

The Pentagon official who oversaw the development of a plan for the military to operate a terrorist futures-trading market is resigning under pressure, a senior defense official said today.

John M. Poindexter, a retired rear admiral who was President Ronald Reagan's national security adviser, is stepping down "in the next few weeks," the official said, following disclosure of a proposal that outraged lawmakers and embarrassed senior Pentagon officials. The plan was to create in essence an online betting parlor that would have rewarded investors who forecast terrorist attacks, assassinations and coups.

Still no decision by Arnold as to whether he's running or not running for Governor of California.

Our go-get-'em Attorney General John Ashcroft arrested 240 people today in an alleged Mexican-U.S. drug ring. The code name for the effort: Operation Trifecta.

Joe Lieberman is the latest democratic contender to oppose gay marriage.

The best news of the day: Atrios is back!

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