
Politics in Rock

The New York Times reviews John Mellencamp's July 31 performance favorably and notes that he has inserted some anti-Bush politics into his songs:

Mr. Mellencamp's new song "To Washington," with an Appalachian melody by way of the Carter Family and Woody Guthrie, showed misgivings about the current Bush administration and war in Iraq. And when Mr. Mellencamp sang Bob Dylan's "Highway 61 Revisited," with its verse about a roving gambler trying to create a next world war, he made it a "Texas gambler" and altered the last lines: "Just give Donald Rumsfeld about a million guns, and have it out on Highway 61."

We've always liked Mellencamp a lot and are glad to see he's singing his politics out loud. With Willie Nelson singing for Kucinich, we hope it's the start of a trend.

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