
Howard Dean vs. The Others

We are as yet uncommitted in the Democratic race for the Presidential nomination. But if we were advising Howard Dean's campaign, we'd tell them to hire Toby Sackton, blogger at Let It Begin Here. Toby's imagery is unbeatable. He'd make a great speech writer. Here's a sample of his latest post championing Dean and arguing that Dean will make it to the top:

Kerry represents a boil on Bush’s left shoulder. Dean represents a full-fledged tackle that will cut him off at the knees.

The other democrats are mostly media midgets compared to Bush, who is carefully staged so as to appear like the wizard of Oz, even though it is a little frightened man behind the curtain. Most of the democrats are afraid to pull back the curtain, afraid that the big bad Bush will get them, that his brown shirts will attack them. Dean, like Dorothy, is fearless today, not 30 years ago in Vietnam. That is why he is the Democrat with the best chance to win.

We're not agreeing with Toby--or disagreeing. The only candidate we have a disagreement with so far is Lieberman, who blasted left-leaning candidates Tuesday. We think by the time the election comes around, the voters will want a clear, well-delineated alternative to Bush, not a Bush-Lite like Lieberman or some of the others, and that means one willing to take a left turn.

Update: This Washington Times commentary by Tod Lindberg notes that public opinion is liberalizing towards the death penalty and social justice issues. The candidates should follow suit.

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