
California Recall Absurdity

Did you know that for only $3,500.00, you too can run for California Governor? Atrios suggests all his California readers sign up. And here's a website that tells you exactly how to do it. Our favorite candidate so far? Doug Fleming (again, via Atrios.) Atrios likes his platform, we like his motto. Go read.

And blogger, author, performer Neal Pollack wants to throw his hat in the ring:

Posting hours will be irregular for the rest of the week. I'll be in California, trying to round up 65 signatures and $3500 so I can run for governor. I figure my position as The Greatest Living American Writer, coupled with the fact that I've served as governor of both New York and Rhode Island, might help me to carry the day. If you wish to Donate the campaign, plese click on the button to your right. All leftover monies will go toward funding The Neal Pollack Invasion's fall tour. Give until it hurts, my friends. I'm begging you.

Don't miss Neal's piece on the Episcopalian Church in the same post.

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