
Liberals to Spend $75 Million to Defeat Bush

This is great news. Billionaire philanthropist George Soros is teaming with liberal groups and individuals to form a $75 million fund to get out the vote in 2004 and defeat Bush.

Labor, environmental and women's organizations, with strong backing from international financier George Soros, have joined forces behind a new political group that plans to spend an unprecedented $75 million to mobilize voters to defeat President Bush in 2004.

The organization, Americans Coming Together (ACT), will conduct "a massive get-out-the-vote operation that we think will defeat George W. Bush in 2004," said Ellen Malcolm, the president of EMILY's List, who will become ACT's president.

....The formation of ACT reflects growing fears in liberal and Democratic circles that with Republicans likely to retain control of Congress, a second Bush term could mean passage of legislation, adoption of regulations and the appointment of judges that together could devastate left-supported policies and institutions.

The group has received $30 million in committed funds to date, including $10 million from Soros. [link via Cursor.]

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