
Arnold's Super Wealth

Arnold Schwarzenegger earned $50 million in the past two years.

Schwarzenegger's tax returns, made public at a news conference, showed he earned $31 million in 2000 and paid more than $10 million in state and federal taxes. Income dipped slightly in 2001 to $26.1 million, with $9.3 million paid in taxes.

He also made charitable donations of close to $5 million in those two years, including $1.1 million to Proposition 49, the voter initiative that he successfully backed which increases funding for after school programs.

Why did he release list such a detailed list of his business holdings when he wasn't required to disclose them? Probably because his advisors want him cast as a successful businessman who could turn around California's economic woes, instead of as an actor.

Arnold is leading in the polls.

The other day we touted Arnold's progressive stand on social justice issues. But, today we learned something we don't like: He voted for Proposition 187--the resolution that denies health and other social services to illegal mmigrants.

The GOP-backed Proposition 187 (search) to deny health care and public education to illegal immigrants was passed by a wide margin, although it was eventually ruled unconstitutional. It remains a contentious issue and a litmus test for some voters, particularly Hispanics (search), to gauge whether a candidate is immigrant-friendly.

Gray Davis voted against Proposition 187.

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