
Ex-Priest Geoghan Killed in Prison

Second Bump and Update: Several news sources reported the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Shirley, MA where Geoghan was doing time and murdered is a medium-security state prison about 40 miles northwest of Boston. See also, this LA Times article.

Other news sources say it's one of the state's most secure prisons.

Which is it? There are two prisons in Shirley, MA, one medium security facility, and the Souza-Baranowski prison, which is maxium security.

The murder occurred at the Souza-Baranowski prison. So the LA Times got it wrong , as did the New York Times when they reported Souza-Baranowski prison in Shirley is a medium-security facility.

Here's some data on the Souza-Baranowski prison:

Officially opening on September 30, 1998, this 500,000 square foot, high-tech, maximum security facility consists of 1024 general population cells, 128 special management cells, and 24 health service beds....Incorporating one of the largest camera matrix systems in the country, 366 cameras record live 24 hours a day. (emphasis supplied by us.)

So let's see the tape. How did this happen? Where were the guards?

And where are the fact-checkers at the LA Times and New York Times?


Bump and Update: The San Francisco Chronicle reports Geoghan was in protective custody. The inmate who allegedly strangled him was also in protective custody. So the prison apparently allows contact between prisoners in protective custody outside the presence of guards. That's a ridiculous policy--for someone like Geoghan, that's like feeding him to the sharks.

The alleged perpetrator, Joseph L. Druce, 37, was serving a life sentence for murder and armed robbery. "In 2001, Druce was charged with mailing a threatening letter containing white powder and indicating it was contaminated with anthrax. "

The prison where Geoghan and Durce were held was a medium security prison. Why was Durce, a murderer doing life, in a medium instead of a maxium security facility? Surely Geoghan was not the only convicted child molester doing time in that prison. Why wasn't he segregated with other child molesters or high profile inmates (like convicted cops) who need protection from other inmates instead of with a murderer? Why was Geoghan, who was only serving a 9 to 10 year sentence, put in the same place as a violent lifer?

We hope there is an investigation. We hope Durce isn't being framed. We hope there is a good explanation for why guards didn't prevent the attack--and that it doesn't turn out that they turned their heads.

Jails and prisons have cameras all over. The murder should have been captured on video. We hope it's preserved so the facts will come out.

Geoghan is survived by a sister. If she chooses not to sue, maybe someone will bring a class action on behalf of all Massachussets inmates in protective custody against the state Department of Corrections over inmate classification, designation and control procedures. It's tragic this happened to Geoghan. It should not be allowed to happen again.

(original post, 8/23, 4pm)

Ex-Priest John Geoghan, serving a 9 to 10 year sentence for child molestation was killed in prison today. He began serving his sentence last year and was 67 years old.

We suspect Geoghan knew his sentence would be a death sentence when it was imposed. Child molesters are at the bottom of the prison barrel. We wonder why he wasn't in protective custody. He should have been.

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