
Eagle County DA's Lose High-Profile Murder Case

While it hasn't made the national news, local news has been following the murder trial in Eagle of a prominent fur store owner charged with killing her former lover. It was a sordid trial filled with sex, drugs, domestic violence and infidelity. The jury took two hours to acquit Kathleen Denson of all charges.

The wealthy owner of Aspen and Vail fur shops was acquitted Monday evening of murder in the slaying of an ex-boyfriend during the disintegration of a stormy love triangle.

Kathleen Denson, 46, admitted killing Gerald "Cody" Boyd at her Draggin'-A quarter horse ranch last summer, but said the shooting with an antique black- powder handgun was in self-defense from a cocaine-crazed, self-proclaimed hit man.

The trial lasted about two weeks.

The case seemed the stuff of sensational fiction, replete with tales of greed, jealousy, and rage; investigators told of drug-and-booze binges and found video and photos of Denson and Boyd engaged in sexual acts.

And it even featured a little courtroom drama when Deputy District Attorney Greg Crittenden collapsed from exhaustion just before closing arguments, originally scheduled for Friday.

Greg Crittenden reportedly will be a chief prosecutor in the Kobe Bryant case.

Ms. Denson, who according to the caption in a photo we saw last week, wore a different Giorgio Armani pants suit each day of the trial, had been free on a $600,000.00 bond secured by her ranch. She owns fur stores in Vail and Aspen.

Facing 48 years in prison for second degree murder, she was defended by veteran Denver defense lawyer Scott Robinson.

In the last high profile murder trial in Eagle, that of businessman Chuck Garrison, accused of killing his wife and burying her in the back yard, Eagle DAs (led by former DA Mike Goodbee and current DA Mark Hurlburt,) lost their bid for a murder one conviction. The jury settled on second degree murder, the difference being life in prison without parole and a 30 year parolable sentence.

One has to wonder whether the Eagle DA's are up to the task of trying Kobe Bryant. And whether the loss of the Denson case means they place too much reliance on police and witness theories that are not substantiated by facts when making their charging decisions. And whether they have a tendency to throw the book at prominent defendants, holding them to a higher standard.

One of the Denson jurors had this to say after the verdict:

The DAs didn't have a case against her," said juror Jeff Burns of Basalt after the verdict was delivered. "The only thing they proved is that there was a killing."

Kathleen Denson looked and acted every bit the socialite during her trial. At least the Eagle county jury didn't hold her to a higher standard. Maybe Kobe Bryant won't move for a change of venue after all.....

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