
Around the Hood

Good postings today:

Update: Buzzflash on the Weekly Standard v. Buzzflash and Blumenthal.

Media Horse on Bill O'Reilly's unsucessful attempt to have David Westerfield's criminal defense lawyers sanctioned by the California disciplinary commission. And, in a nutsell, on why the lawyers did nothing wrong.

The Westerfield attorneys were well within ethical boundaries to suggest scenarios consistent with the facts of the case regardless of what they knew, and that is what they did. It was the jury's job to decide how plausible those scenarios were based on the facts, and that is what they did (Westerfield was convicted).

Jeanne D'Arc of Body and Soul on the death of Torrance Cantwell, the autistic boy who died in church.

Hessiod of Counterspin on Bush's pledge to keep up his warplan and some thoughts on the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Tapped and Calpundit invite us over to Washington Monthly for the Mendacity Index on which President has told the biggest whoppers. No surprise there. It's interactive, and you can do your own rating.

For death penalty defense lawyers, or those who'd like to train to be one, Capital Defense Weekly has a calendar of upcoming training seminars (affectionately called "death camps" by those in the defense bar.) If you are a lawyer in a big firm who is not feeling challenged or stimulated enough, maybe you can get your firm to sponsor you and then take some pro bono cases. There are hundreds of death row inmates in the south without any representation at all for post-convction proceedings.

The Tom Paine blog has details about the planned 2004 Republican Counterconvention in New York.

Cursor has the latest on the State Department's crackdown on leisure trips to Cuba.

Joe Conason says Chris Matthew's Hardball should be renamed Softball. One of these days we're going to pay for a Salon subscription, we just can't bring ourselves to do it yet. At least the day pass ads aren't bad.

Jeff Cooper keeps up his attempt to fill in for vacationing Howard Bashman of How Appealing. He's finding it tougher than he thought. We give him an A for effort, though.

Andrew Northrup of the Poor Man is blogging for Wesley Clark at The Clark Sphere.

Eric at the Hamster says Carol Mosely Braun has picked up some endorsements.

Skippy's still somewhere off the coast of Alaska, but he has blogged in.

That's a wrap from us today--back late tonight.

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