
Arnold Rocked...in 1977

Good for Arnold....for not denying it now.

Asked about the comments in an interview on a Sacramento radio station Wednesday night, Schwarzenegger, who in recent days has been courting conservative voters in California, did not dispute the remarks. He said: "I never lived my life to be a politician. I never lived my life to be the governor of California. Obviously, I've made statements that were ludicrous and crazy and outrageous and all those things, because that's the way I always was."

We don't think California voters will care one bit. We saw a clip of Arnold tonight on an old Geraldo Rivera daytime show from the Pumping Iron days. it was very, very funny. Arnold reminded us of the old Saturday Night Live "Wild and Crazy Guy" played by Steve Martin.

If you want to read the 1977 interview with Arnold that's causing all the ruckus, you can find it at Smoking Gun . [ed. link fixed]

Again, we're against the recall, but we have no beef with Arnold. If Californians want the Dems to stay in power, they should vote no on the recall, not pin their hopes on Bustamante. If they want a change, Arnold's a lot better than the other Republicans running.

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